Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Standard delivery time
Standard delivery is within 5 working days once the order is dispatched. If you live in a non-metropolitan city, delivery delays may happen. If the order is not delivered within 5 working days since the dispatch, then please contact us.

If your order is shipped via Xpressbees, India Post, Ecom Express or DTDC, we cannot assure you delivery within 5 working days after the dispatch as these carriers take longer than standard delivery time.

For further assistance, please email us at
How to track the order?
If you have not received the tracking link via SMS or E-mail, please email us at
How long does it take to dispatch the order?
We usually dispatch orders within 2-5 working days after you placed the order.

If your order is not dispatched even after 5 working days since you placed the order, please email us at
How to change address/contact details?
We can only change your address/contact details if the order is unfulfilled. Once your order is fulfilled, we will not be able to change your address/contact details.

Please fill this form for order modification request: Click Here

Unfulfilled: Order is not yet processed.
Fulfilled: Order is already processed.

For further assistance, please email us at
Order Cancellation
You can only cancel your order if the order is unfulfilled. Once your order is fulfilled, we will not be able to cancel your order.

Please fill this form for order cancellation request: Click Here

Unfulfilled: Order is not yet processed.
Fulfilled: Order is already processed.

For further assistance, please email us at
I didn't received order confirmation
If you have not received an order confirmation but your payment was successful, please email us at

Why did this happen?

The SMS confirmation is sent automatically when we fulfil the orders, this confirmation is sent by an international company - Twilio, many phone carriers do not regard the SMS from them as a transactional SMS and when the customer has DND turned on, they do not receive the order confirmation.

Unfortunately, there's no solution to this problem as of now, we apologise for the inconvenience caused.
Order status is delivered but I have not received it?
Please email us within 24 hours if you have not received your order but the tracking status shows delivered. If you do not contact us within 5 days since the order was marked as delivered, we will not be able to assist you in this issue.

Please email us at

If you fail to email us within 24 hours, the carrier may refuse to do any investigation of your order.

Orders delivered with OTP verification are not eligible for dispute claims and our team will not be able to assist in this case. Do not share delivery OTP without getting the order in hand.
Why product's colour looks slightly different?
The colour of the actual product may vary because of the different colour spaces used in images on the website and actual products.

Sublimation printing does also cause colour variations. We have already mentioned this on the product page.

For further assistance, please email us at
Customer Care Number?
We do not provide a support call service as of now. For any support related queries, you can email us at
Return/Replacement Policy
You can read our returns/replacement policy: Here